Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Time Management manta: What's the Best Use of my Time Right Now?

When we know our priorities we then must "hang on" and fight the distractions that bombard us throughout the day.  Here, our little pup, Reggie, shows us how to do it.

© 2013 Laura Lewis-Barr all rights reserved

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A teaching story from West Africa on empathy and tolerance.

On the first day of the week, the trickster God Eshu walked down a country road wearing a strange hat -- red on one side and  white on the other.  He walked between two friendly neighbors who were plowing their fields.   

At lunch the neighbors talked about the stranger who passed their farms. 

"What a fine white hat that man wore."

"White?  No my friend, the sun must have been in your eyes.  It was a brilliant red."

"Are you calling me a liar? It was white as the milk from my cows."

"Do you think I’m an idiot?  It was red as the blood I will draw from your nose!"





Their argument soon escalated into a vicious brawl.  The neighbors gathered to try to stop them but

both men screamed, insisting each was right and the other wrong.

Finally, Eshu the trickster returned.  He chastised them and showed them his hat.  How sad to lose their friendship in defense of the color of a hat! 

© 2013  Laura Lewis-Barr all rights reserved