Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What EI Training Can Do--An Impact Map of Specifics

If you'd like a word doc (easier to read), please email me...

I recently left my part time position at Elgin Community College to pursue my training business full time. I’ve needed time to more fully develop products and processes to make my offerings even more solid and impactful. The Impact Map is a step in that direction.

The map is designed to help clarify the goals of EI training, including the specific skills targeted and uses of these skills on the job. It is a tool that can be used in several ways:
• to keep my own training designs focused
• to help anyone explain/understand the value of this training
• to help managers both explain the value to their staff (pre-training) and also monitor/support the growth of these skills over time (post training).

In the months ahead, I hope to start a newsletter and eventually more tools that companies might be able to use, in person or virtually. I hope in the future that I might be able to offer further training or consulting. My goal is to continue to improve my offerings and customize them to each company.

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